This was the second peace march in less than a month in San Francisco. The first was on January 18th and was smaller than this one. I've also put up the pictures from that day --> here.
I arrived at the march at about 2pm, so technically, it's the second march of the day. There was an earlier one at 11am. I walked along Market street from Powell to McAllister and finally past the main SF library and into the Civic Center grounds. The mix of participants were more varied than the last march. There seemed to be more minorities and younger people (teens to mid-20's). There appeared to be more out-of-towners as well. Where the police estimated 50,000 for the last march, they estimated 200,000 this time. The march organizers will tell you there were many more than 200,000. I won't venture to guess since I wasn't there earlier but when I got to the Civic Center at about 3pm, the entire square was still completely full. People finally started dispersing after about 4:30pm when the chilly evening air penetrated the crowd. I have prepared two sets of photos - the "All" and the "Select". If you have time, I would really recommend going through the "All" set to see all of the peace march activities. But if you want a faster summary, take a look at the "select" group. I've tried to identify what some of the signs said. I've also taken some conventional black and white photographs which I'll put up in the future. |
You are visitor since 2/25/03. If you have any questions or comments about these photos, please email me at phuang@signite.com, thanks! -paul.